Thursday, March 19, 2020




- Pre-Start Checklist -

Parking Brakes / SET 
Throttle / CLOSED 
Magneto / Starter Switch OFF 
Battery & Alternator Master Switches / OFF 
Avionics / OFF 
Fuel Pump Switch / OFF 
Mixture /Fuel Flow / CUTOFF 
Battery Switch / ON
Flight controls / CHECK 
Flaps / UP 
Fuel Quantity / CHECK 
Fuel Selector / BOTH
Avionics Switch / ON 
Check Weather (Atis, Flight Services) 
Request Clearance
 Transponder / SET 
Beacon/Strobe Light / ON 

- Startup Checklist -

Throttle / OPEN 1/4 INCH 
Mixture / RICH 
Engine and Propeller Area / CLEAR 
Fuel Pump Switch / ON
 Magneto/Starter Switch / START
 Throttle / IDLE 
Alternator Switch / ON 
Oil Pressure, Ammeter / CHECK 
Engine Instruments / CHECK 
Fuel Pump Switch / OFF 
Annunciator Lights / CHECK
 Nav Lights / ON

 - Before Taxi Checklist -

Nav Lights / ON 
Taxi Lights / ON 
Heading Indicator / SET 
Altimeter / SET 
Radios and Avionics / CHECKED and SET 
Autopilot / SET and OFF 
Request Taxi Clearance 

- Taxi Checklist -

Throttle / MIN. POWER 
Mixture / RICH
 Parking Brake / RELEASE 
Brakes / CHECK during taxi 
Directional Gyro / PROPER IND. during turns 
Turn Coordinator / PROPER IND. during turns 
Artificial Horizon / ERECT during turns 
Taxi to assigned runway / SPEED Max. 20 knots 

- Before Take-off Checklist -

Parking Brake / SET 
Pitot Heat / ON 
Landing Lights / ON 
Fuel Quantity / CHECK 
Fuel Selector Valve / BOTH 
Throttle / IDLE 
Mixture / RICH 
Alternator Switch / VERIFY ON 
Throttle / 1800 RPM 
Magnetos / CHECK 
Ammeter / CHECK Positive charge ind. 
Throttle / IDLE 
Oil Temperature / CHECK 
Elevator Trim / SET for takeoff 
Flaps / SET 0-10 degrees 
Flight Controls / FREE AND CORRECT 
Radios and Avionics / SET 
Request Takeoff Clearance 

- Take-off Checklist -

Smoothly increase thrust to / FULL 
Brakes / RELEASE 
V1 = / 55 KIAS (descision) 
Vr = / 65 KIAS (rotate) 
Pitch / 10-15 degrees 
At Positive Climb Rate / Touch Brakes 
Trim for climb to maintain / 75 KIAS 
At 500' AGL / RETRACT Flaps if set 
Engine Instruments / CHECK 

- Climb-out Checklist -

Throttle / 2300 RPM 
Mixture / RICH 
Autopilot / CHECK and SET 
Taxi Lights / OFF 
Landing Lights / OFF
 Airspeed / 80 KIAS 2300 RPM 
Climb Rate / 700 fpm 

- Cruise Checklist -

Accelerate to cruise speed / 120 KIAS 2500 RPM 
Engine+Instruments / CHECK
 Engine Temperatures / STABILIZE at cruise cond. 
Fuel Quantity / CHECK 
Radios / TUNED and SET 
Autopilot / CHECK and SET 
Lights /  as required 
Engine Instruments / CHECK 

- Descent Checklist  - 

Atis/Airport Information / CHECK 
Fuel Selector / BOTH
Altimeter / CHECK 
Radios / SET 
Descent Speed /100 KIAS 2000 RPM 
Descent Rate / -700 fpm 
Flaps / CHECK UP 

- Approach Checklist -

Localizer Level Flight : 
Fuel Pump / ON 
Speed: Establish / 85 KIAS  2100 RPM 
Landing Lights / ON 
Flaps /10 degrees 
Speed: Establish / 80 KIAS 2100 RPM 
Flaps / 20 degrees 2300 RPM 
Turning toward runway: set flaps / FULL DOWN 
Final Glideslope Descent : 
Mixture / RICH (on final) 
Speed: Establish / 75 KIAS 2200 RPM 
Parking Brake / VERIFY OFF 

- Landing Checklist -

Autopilot / OFF
Landing Speed / 70 KIAS  Touchdown / MAIN WHEELS FIRST 
Landing Roll / LOWER NOSE WHEEL 

 - Taxi To Ramp -

Flaps / RETRACT 
Taxi Lights / ON 
Landing Lights / OFF 
Speed / Max. 20 knots 
Throttle / AS REQUIRED 
Elevator Trim / TAKEOFF SETTING 
Avionics/Radios / AS REQUIRED 
Transponder / 1200 

- Shutdown And Securing Aircraft Checklist

Parking Brake / SET 
Throttle / IDLE 
Avionics Switch  / OFF 
Taxi Lights / OFF 
Nav Lights / OFF 
Pitot Heat / OFF 
Mixture/Fuel Flow / CUTOFF 
Fuel Selector Valve / OFF 
Magneto/Starter Switch / OFF 
Fuel Pump Switch / OFF 
Beacon/Strobe Light / OFF 
Battery & Alternator Master Switches / OFF 

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